The abused kills the abuser and describes herself as "vengeful" before doing so. The abuser is also responsible for causing WWIII in the future, though, which seems like the main reason she kills him.
A character is stabbed in the arm through dark clothing. This happens during a highly choreographed and complex fight scene, so this moment passes very quickly.
A father is abusive to his wife, but it's neither shown nor stated that he's in any way cruel to his son, and it's implied that the parents hide the abuse from him.
The husband threatens to beat his wife, spits at her, ties her up and drags her around with him against her will, controls her every moment and when she can see her son and even shoots her.
Threat of domestic violence with an improvised weapon, but no actual violence occurs in that scene because it is interrupted. The fear may be triggering.
Nothing is shown onscreen, but a character describes how he's going to kill another character in a way that involves significant genital trauma. He doesn't follow through with his threat, but it is implied that he has killed someone else this way.
The main character is tied to a chair and teeth are pulled out. You don’t see it happen exactly as a train goes past and blocks the view but you do hear the character scream.
A henchman is pushed and falls down large pipe, and can be heard screaming on the way down, implying he would have died on impact. The impact is not seen or heard though.
Another character is shot and shoved off the deck of a yacht 40' above the water. His head smashes into one of the lower decks as he tumbles down to the water. Actual cause of his death is not clear.
There are a couple of sequences in the beginning (opera house) in which some characters move through a narrow, curved, windowless corridor. It was triggering for me; I even feel slightly sick thinking about it. Also, at some point towards the end, just after some characters enter a slanted tunnel that leads to an underground complex, there's an explosion which turns the entrance into rubble behind them.
A character almost drowns at one point and later is shot and pushed off a boat into the water below, so it’s unknown whether they drown or die of their wounds.