There is a scene where an adult woman repeatedly commands Peter (who is underage) to undress in front of her. It isn't sexual, but his discomfort is played for laughs.
Peter finds a souvenir teddy on the ground and throws it to distract a bunch of drones, which then attack it. However, we don't see a child who owns it, and it may not even belong to a child.
Very obscure information here but Quentin recalls the audience ridiculing Tony’s presentation of his technology when in actuality they’re completely silent (source: Captain America: Civil War). This seems to imply Quentin has reality issues and he’s also one of the most murderous and despicable villains in the MCU— it’s never confirmed if he is mentally ill, though.
There is a scene with multiple characters piled up on Each other, to the point where they fill the whole screen. However, this clip is brief, lasting at most 20 seconds.
Compared to a lot of other movies, it wasn’t too bad and was only part of action scenes. The Spider-Man series always has a ton of swinging shots, so keep that in mind too.
Nothing explicit of course as it’s a PG movie but there are multiple kisses towards the end of the movie and one scene where a character removes his shirt and pants whilst another character is in the room.
mild blood is seen on characters as results of combat injuries, namely from a nosebleed, but no gore is present aside from a disturbing hallucination of a half-armored skeleton bursting out of the ground and crawling towards Peter/the audience. some comfort may be found in it being an illusion, but it's still quite nasty.
a character attempts to shoot another character in the head but is reflexively stopped as soon as the bullet fires. armed drones are seen firing off bullets throughout the movie, but no innocent people are seen taking damage. one character dies as a result of these drones, but the bullet impact isn't seen.
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