Fallout follows three individuals experiencing illnesses after exposure to environmental contamination from a nearby US Army ammunition plant. The facility is the largest polluter in Virginia, emitting millions of pounds of toxic pollutants into the air, soil, and water each year. Fallout examines how the United States military, in collusion with private industry, perpetuate the cycle of exploitation and environmental contamination that has plagued the Appalachian region for decades. The film incorporates digital footage as well as over 1200 feet of 16mm film processed with contaminants from the facility.
This movie contains 20 potentially triggering events.
the main character and her friend watch a movie in her house, and in the movie they show a scene where a dog falls in a river and “floats away”. there are no scenes with the dog being hurt and it’s not sad. they joke about the dog dying after.
While not on screen, it is revealed much after the fact that two leads had sex. Prior to this reveal, it was uncertain, as it cuts from kissing to waking up the next morning.
A teenager's dads are never shown on screen but are frequently stated to be always travelling. She is left alone in her home even during a traumatic time in her life.
The main character’s mom pours herself some wine after her daughter confides in her about all the drugs she’s done and that she had sex with someone. It’s treated as a comedic scene.
There is a scene in which a main character is found unconscious in a sauna, but the scene immediately following confirms she is physically fine. There are other scenes of characters sleeping in bed.
There isn’t any meant jump scares, but there are 2 scenes where the main character (vada) wakes up from her sleep and starts breathing very heavily. This happens in a shock so I would personally count this as a jump scare
yes once when they’re in the bathroom after the boy joins them in the stall (beginning of the movie), and when vada is leaving mia’s house but both times you don’t see anything
No, but the main character does fall into some mildly harmful habits (drinking, getting high, but never over-doing it to the point of serious harm) in order to cope with trauma.
[[SPOILERS]] The final scene of the movie is the main character checking her phone to see a news article about an unrelated school shooting happening, and it triggers a anxiety attack. She’s not on screen but you can hear her gasping for breath and sobbing for a while before the credits roll.
The main character's best friend makes a number of comments about her new friend and how hot she is. He is gay and he isn't objectifying her for his own pleasure, but he is limiting her to her physical appeal.
in the beginning of the movie, during the shooting scene, when the main character and her friend are hiding in a stall, a boy slides under the stalls to hide with them. when he slides on the floor there is a trail of blood after him. we find out directly after that it’s not his blood, and he is not hurt. his shirt is covered in blood during the scene. except for that there is no gore or blood
the main character texts her friend "help i'm drowning" while she is high on ecstasy at school. no actual drowning or imagery/hallucination of drowning is shown, just the word shown on screen.
the movie’s theme is school shootings i wouldn’t recommend watching it if you are triggered by it. there are no guns shown but the scene during the school shooting they are in a bathroom and they hear gunshots and it’s pretty scary
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