its implied that a dog gets killed. a murder victim had a dog and when the investigation carried on later animal blood was found at the scene, hinting that the dog was killed too. its never shown
But there's the well-known trope of baddies being less gender-specific; especially males effeminate, and a woman with short hair, deep voice, and sexually aggressive, and then piercings as if subcultural goths or punks were generally violent. No, they don't look like transpersons, but there are some gender issues here, sorry to say.
Not that I remember, unless the crying was comedic to begin with. The main male characters are very comfortable showing emotion and aren't perceived as weak due to this.
2x04: A female villain frequently uses knives to fight and you can hear cutting sounds and see the wounds. So Mun is cut in the face by a spear but it's quick.
Bones are broken and bent in wrong directions by telekinesis, evil spirits possess people and this can look disturbing. When evil spirits are banished by the Counters, the visual often shows the body distorting in potentially disturbing ways.
2x04: A female villain's eye is severely damaged by a knife but you mostly just see some blood and she covers it with her hand immediately. In her next scene the damaged eye is shown in a mirror and she covers it up with a patch.
please correct me if i missed something! one of the other comments said that a certain scene happens three times and i only caught two times. thanks!
- EPISODE 5 - NOT SAFE! at 25 minutes, in the middle of an elevator fight, ha-na has a memory-flashback of her family members vomiting, with visual -
- EPISODE 7 - NOT SAFE! at 25 minutes, its night at a car lot, a cop sees a dead body and then vomits, with visual -
- EPISODE 10 - SAFE! -
- EPISODE 11 - SAFE! -
- EPISODE 12 - SAFE! -
- EPISODE 13 - SAFE! -
- EPISODE 14 - NOT SAFE! at 58-59 minutes, hyang-hee breaks ha-na's staff and ha-na is on the ground, the same flashback of ha-na's family is shown, with visual -
- EPISODE 15 - SAFE! -
- EPISODE 16 - SAFE! -
But their ... spirit or special ability is "eaten", in a dementor-like way. Also, someone is planning to steal organs, though not for oral consumption.
2x04: A gun is fired and you can hear it and see flashes on the wall. So Mun is shot but you only see the aftermath and don't see the bullets actually hit him.
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