An animated flashback shows the villain holding a pet dog in one hand, and a drill in the other. It is implied that the dog dies along with parents and school bullies. But only the people are shown getting killed. There are no dead dog bodies shown, real or animated, no dog death confirmed, and no dog yelping in pain noises.
the bell from the bell tower falls on shriek but it is unknown whether she is crushed or not as she could have been contained safely inside of the large opening
Not really, but the main villain often mentions a cathedral and in the third, final act he and his partner want to marry in a church where a Priest is present.
When Cletus is getting his suit, you can see him tear it off a mannequin. It barely shows it for a few seconds before he steals a car and drives away, but it may be triggering to some people.
Sonny and Cher the chickens are abandoned by Eddie in a park. He does go back to visit them and they seem okay, but it is a pretty questionable, if not entirely selfish, decision, especially if you have experience dealing with animal neglect and abandonment. Brings up more questions than the movie answers.
Cletus says how he was abused by his parents and grandmother, an animated sequence with his father beating him is shown. It’s also implied Eddie was abused by his father.
Venom jumps into a chicken yard off-screen. We hear a chicken scream, then the next scene shows Venom swinging on buildings. He pauses to cough out some chicken feathers and a wishbone.
No, but there's a scene in which a woman is being assaulted by a thief who's trying to wrest her handbag from her in a deserted area of the city at night. Might be triggering. At first, I momentarily thought there was a sexual assault going on.
No, but there's a scene in which a woman is being assaulted by a thief who's trying to wrest her handbag from her in a deserted area of the city at night. Might be triggering. At first, I momentarily thought there was a sexual assault going on.
SPOILERS - Multiple characters are strangled, most notably when Venom and Eddie fight and Venom strangles him and when Frances strangles Mulligan with a chain
There are a few moments where Carnage’s tentacles wrap around necks and lifts people off the ground. Some of the people don’t survive, so this may trigger some hanging thoughts.
SPOILER: During the climax, one of the villains wraps a chain around someone’s neck and hangs him. He is shown to be alive, but “changed” after the climax resolved.
I may be wrong here, but I thought at one point someone was getting beaten in the crotch with a sledgehammer. It might just be the legs; the impacts are not shown
Patrick is tortured at the end by Screech. She tries to hurt his eye (it just shows her pressing on his closed eyelid) but doesn’t seem to succeed. She then stabs him in the shoulder and throws him onto another part of the building with chains, but he survives. Cleetus also hits Eddie multiple times with a sledgehammer.
SPOILERS - Frances falls from the cathedral and is fatally crushed by the bell. Cletus also falls from the cathedral and after Venom bites off his head
At the very beginning a police officer shoots someone in the eye, yet it isn’t very graphic since they fall out of a vehicle, but (SPOILER) later in the movie, the victim begins to dig their thumb into the police officer’s eye, then cuts away.
You never see a needle, but you see chemicals pushed from a syringe through an IV-like tube into someone. I’m very triggered by needles so I skipped the scene, but I was told by others it was just syringes.
Parts of the movie take place in places for mentally unstable people (not mentally unstable in the sense of depression and such, but being genuinely crazy)
Not in those exact words, but at one point when feeling depressed, Eddie “jokes” about how if he ran his motorcycle into an oncoming car it wouldn’t matter cuz Venom can fix him.
No, but one scene near the beginning might be triggering: Eddie is trying to type something, but Venom, who's hungry, keeps sabotaging him by controlling his fingers while chanting "Food! Food! Food!" I imagine that this scene might be a little too close for comfort for compulsive overeaters. The parts of the scene leading up to the typing thing are also about Venom being ravenous and demanding that he be allowed to eat what he craves (human brains), with Eddie refusing to give in. So, two minds in the same body, battling over whether/what/when to eat.
Flashing lights are shown thoroughout the whole movie, and if you have epilepsy or are sensitive to brights lights, I don’t suggest watching the movie.
There's a very simple, cartoon-like flashback animation of a character as a screaming newborn (still in the hospital, with the umbilical cord showing) while it's mentioned that the baby had to be revived. We're also told that the mother died giving birth, but that's all we know about what happened.
There's a man pushing a shopping cart full of stuff in the street; I assume he's homeless. He has a bit of interaction with main characters, expressing his disapproval of the level of noise and chaos they're generating. He's treated with no less respect than he would've been had he not been homeless.