A character is shown to be bleeding in a way that could be a heavy period and a side character says it is, but it is also implied it could be an injury.
The cult uses their children (as adults) for a pretty horrible purpose. It isn't abuse in the modern usage of the word but it still involves people treating their family horribly so may be triggering.
It is never proven to be drugging or shown to be, but there is a part where the main character tries to wake up her two friends viciously but they do Not budge. I interpreted that as getting drugged!
Kind of??? It was unclear what was meant/left up to interpretation but (SPOILERS!!!!!!!) We see Margot dragged on camera and then the next day shes bleeding vaginally and the sheets + her pants are drenched in blood. Judging by what was mentioned before on how the demon enters women, I absolutely interpreted it as rape.
Gonna copy what I said for rape as well: Kind of??? It was unclear what was meant/left up to interpretation but (SPOILERS!!!!!!!) We see Margot dragged on camera and then the next day shes bleeding vaginally and the sheets + her pants are drenched in blood. Judging by what was mentioned before on how the demon enters women, I absolutely interpreted it as rape.
At 45 minutes into the movie, one of the main characters asks if he can film an old woman sitting off by herself, and then at around 45:24 the camera pans down to reveal that the old woman is using a potato peeler on her own hand.
At the 45 min. mark, a woman is peeling potatoes, and is oblivious that the potato is gone and she is peeling her own skin. She sits, happily smiling. Dementia is not mentioned, but I'm guessing from family experience.