In the wake of an environmental collapse that has forced humanity to shed 20% of its population, a family dinner erupts into chaos when a father's plan to enlist in the government's new euthanasia program goes horribly awry.
This movie contains 20 potentially triggering events.
A fish is shown being sliced up. It is dead and it’s only a second but it could be troubling to some. Most won’t be bothered but just to be thorough, thought I’d mention it.
Scenes like a character being stabbed in the face and the perpetrator putting their finger in the wound, close-ups of a hand with a stab wound, etc. happen throughout, especially in the second half
No one follows through with it but it is discussed at length between characters throughout the film with almost all main characters offering to do so at one point.
Unsure - the character of Noah walks with a cane after an accident, but whether it's a permanent disability or whether the actor has mobility issues is unknown
The premise of the film is that people are undergoing voluntary euthanasia, and several characters voice their approval for them to be killed/euthanised, though some are under duress. Nobody attempts to directly kill themself, however.
There are in-universe TV segments such as advertisements in which people talk to the screen, but they are not supposed to be addressing the viewers directly.