After an encounter with UFOs, a line worker feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.
This movie contains 15 potentially triggering events.
The main character is not believed after his first encounter, and is told by his wife that he must have been seeing things. This is later resolved since his wife also has an encounter.
The main character and his wife both yell at the kids at a few points. No physical harm, but close to emotional abuse, enough to be potentially triggering.
A note in the end credits reads: "During the filming of all animal sequences, H. L. Edwards, veterinarian of Gillette Wyoming, was in attendance at all times to aid the filmmakers and anesthetist in proper treatment of the animals used, and at no time were the animals harmed or mistreated in any way."
Several animals (cows, sheep, birds) appear to die or are found looking dead, but are later on revealed to be drugged with a sleeping agent. There is one shot where birds fall from a tree and struggle on the ground as if they are dying.
A child disappears, and there is mention of the police dragging the river to find his body. The audience is aware of where the child has gone all the time.
The main character cries while fully clothed under a running shower, which may resemble an anxiety attack. Also, his mental breakdown as depicted may cause high anxiety in the viewer.
There's a very very crowded evacuation scene with people trying to push past and climb over each other. could be claustrophobic in a crowd-crush sort of way.
Yes, throughout the movie from helicopters and UFOs and police cars, etc. I found the most noticeable occurrences to be at around: - 20mins - 50mins - 1hr 47mins
A government agent, in an attempt to convince people that they aren't seeing UFOs, says the line There are a lot of things that would be fun to believe in. Time travel, mental telepathy, even Santa Claus."
A police car chasing one of the UFOs ends up driving off the road and crashing below. There is a shot of the policeman in the car screaming as he loses control, but the actual crash or its aftermath are not shown.