I thought the detectives dog was in for a bad ending soon as it was shown in a picture & a point was made of the relationship & that he misses him/her greatly in the 2nd episode ; this is actually what brought me here! I found this site a long time ago & have been thankful for it many times! Plus made me realise I'm not alone in finding even fictious animal cruelty distressing. I know these things aren't real but I just can't bare it. People think I'm dramatic but can't help how it makes me feel. I always think it's lazy writing if it really doesn't add anything to the show as a whole.
Suzanne's step father was verbally and physically abusive to her mother, episode 6 we hear her mother being hit and screaming though it's not shown. We do see a bruise on her eye in a later shot, however.
Mentions of a rumour about babies being hung upside down to see if they live, not pictured. Mae has wounds on her back and most of the story is set around a young girl escaping from a cult, which I'd overall consider child abuse.
Episode 5 a boy in hospital is mentioned to have gone back to live with his abusive father.
Episode 6 Suzanne is seen abused as a teenager, handcuffed to a radiator heater which left her with a burn scar.
We see a flashback of a girl escaping her abusive household. It is not seen but it is explained that she was able to escape thanks to her stepdad being passed out from drinking.
Ep 2: A crow hits a window fairly close up, but it’s a jumpscare so it’s very brief. It’s a “blink and you’ll miss it” moment. The crow is shown after the opening credits, and I personally don’t think it looks very real. It’s on its front with its wings slightly spread, and although it struggles to move, it looks animatronic to me. I wasn’t triggered. The crow is later shown to be dead, but no blood, no distortion. You are also given fair warning before it’s shown. At the end of the episode, Mae carries the crow’s body outside. It could be a Halloween decoration. A pig had been slaughtered and its head placed atop a scarecrow, but you do not see the pig’s death. Ep 3: A deer is shot, but you do not see the animal being hit. You only see the hunter firing the rifle, and then you hear a faraway thud. Ep 5: A pig is sacrificed, but you don’t see it happen. You hear a pig squealing, though, although I doubt the pig knows what’s about to happen and the squeal was added for dramatic effect.
Episode 5 one of the characters goes into anaphylaxis after forgetting her epipen and is hospitalised. She's shown to be crawling and struggling to breathe beforehand. She lives.
In the opening scene where Mae is fleeing through cornfields she trips & hurts her ankle - later shown bandaged after some x-rays in the hospital - but only a minor twist injury definitely not Achilles tendon
There is a failed attempt at kidnapping someone. In another occasion, a character won't let another character out of a car, and the series makes you think they'll be kidnapped even though they won't.
Episode 5. Girl in Dalmatian costume at Halloween party gets drunk.
Wh n you see her kissing her boyfriend away from the party, skip until a girl sits next to her.
Very graphic
Almost. A girl has feelings for her friend who is also a girl, but she a dating someone else (a boy). She almost acts on these feeling when drunk, but here friend quickly stops her before anything happens.
The series creates fear against cult survivers. The whole show is back and forth on if the cult surviver is malicious or not. Until they finally reveal the truth in the last episode. This adds to the stigma that cult survivers deal with on a daily basis, and the difficulty it is to get support, deprogram and acclimated to outer society, when society views them with fear.
MAJOR SPOILERS The cult surviver is revealed at the very end to have had mal intent and has been manipulating people (including those who were helping her) the whole time.
There is a scene where a car almost hits a person, early in episode one, screeching of tires can be heard. There's also a scene in episode 8 where a car hits another car