As a killer named Cinderhella stalks the student body at the high school in Grizzly Lake, a group of co-eds band together to survive while they're all serving detention.
This movie contains 19 potentially triggering events.
The main character is in a cast at the beginning of the film, and the accident is shown at 1:0:19-1:0:22. At 1:21:47-1:21:54, a character's leg is broken and they limp afterwards; they walk on the broken leg and visibly wince in pain at 1:24:55-1:24:58.
There isn't a LOT of gore (relatively- for a slasher film in my opinion) but when there is it's quite graphic. Intestines, close up cuts, and exploded people are shown on screen.
ALL time stamps: 2:25 - 2:33 fake sounding audio, no visual 9:30 - 10:10 audio and visual 35:55 - 36:30 38:55 - 39:05 43:40 - 43:50 visual little audio very short scene 44:35 - 44:45 audio and visual kind of but I literally only noticed bc of the cc 47:45 - 47:55 triggering coughing audio but little visual
towards the start of the film the school principal accuses a plus size character of being pregnant then after she tells him she isn’t, he tells her to “cut the carbs”