Dahmer is an alcoholic which is depicted in many scenes and talked about at times. His Mother may have been addicted to prescription medication as well while suffering from post-partum depression.
Unsure if this is supposed to be for the Netflix show (2022) or the similarly tilted Discovery documentary (2020), but no animals were harmed in the *making* of either series.
Episodes 2 and 3 are really hard to watch if you care about animals, there are multiple graphic things in them as well as some creepy stories. You can skip those when they start and you won't lose anything important to the story (the frog story is slightly important but honestly I would rather not hear it), but you will likely still see parts of them before you skip. Other than these 2 episodes, most of what you'll see in the other episodes is graphic meat images, and inner organs that are "human organs" story wise, but in reality are probably real animal organs that were used while filming (guts, hearts, etc). But it's not much worse than the average horror movie, other than episodes 2 and 3. The series is still worth watching in my opinion, but do be prepared to skip some scenes.
EP2 9:53 to 10:00 if you want to skip the tadpoles in motor oil. It’s not graphic though.
+ EP2 14:50 to 15:50 if you want to skip the raccoon dissection.
I just copied and pasted from Are Animals Abused by Anonymous: Episode 3: Fishing scene from 04:20 to 07:40 where worm is put on the hook while they describe how to put it on and still keep it alive.
This movie would not qualify as “torture porn”, but Dahmer’s next-door neighbor hears faint but clear screams and pleas for help several times. This is somehow more disturbing than actually seeing it graphically onscreen.
I am very squeamish about gore but could handle this one. Yes there are some guts (animal and human) but not very identifiable. Also you can see it coming quite easily. If they talk about gore, nine out of ten times you’ll see a flashback about it or something. Overall I’d rate it 6/10 gore wise.
No, but a mom tries to commit suicide twice. I also think Dahmer's last victim in real life was a young father (if I'm not mistaken) but that isn't really mentioned in the series.
I am unsure about this actually, it seems like his Father technically cheated but his parents may have been separated and going through a divorce at that time. It is implied he may have been.
ep1: safe. ep2: safe. ep3: safe. ep4: chest compressions are given to a man. he v**** right after at approx. 40:30. skip to 40:50. graphic. ep5: a man mentions that he is going to v**** but does not. safe. ep6: safe. ep7: neighbor gags at gross smell but nothing happens. shortly after, she tells someone that she “almost t*** u*”. Later in the episode the same person gags again. Still, nothing happens. Safe. ep8: safe. ep9: safe. ep10: safe.
Not copaganda exactly, but the police is being very bad and racist there, and not only they totally get away with it, they are also getting rewards by the police department for being "heroes" even though they were awful. The series really criticizes it though, it's edited in a way that it's very obvious to the viewer that they are the opposite of heroes.
This may upset some people, but towards the end of the last episode you see the inside of the cremation chamber as it cremates an organ. Not graphic whatsoever but if your loved one was cremated recently it might hit a little too close to home.
In the last few episodes we see people living with trauma, having nightmares, etc. They never get any professional treatment for it so it might not be an official PTSD, but they are clearly very traumatized and it looks like they have it.
The mother tried to commit suicide twice in two different episodes, once by pills and once by gas, it's not very graphic and she survives both attempts though.
Don't think it was said like that, but the mother tried to commit suicide twice in two different episodes, once by pills and once by gas, it's not very graphic and she survives both attempts though. She does also writer a suicide letter before the second attempt.
Dahmer’s victims are clearly, understandably terrified when they realize they are trapped. In episode 9, “The Bobeyman” we see how traumatized the families of his victims and neighbors are, even though he has been apprehended. At least one has a graphic nightmare about him, and some can’t even sleep. For what it’s worth, I have anxiety issues that episode in particular made me anxious enough to need to do deep breathing.
In episode 3 around 10:30, Dahmer ‘acts disabled’ as a joke. He puts on a voice and makes stereotypical movements. He and some other school kids laugh about it.
there are rumors on the tv in the show that mention dahmers father molesting him but it was said to be not true and nothing else is ever said or shown of it
residents from the apartment that jeff killed in became a crime scene/was hazardous so they all had to leave. insinuated that at least one would be left homeless