In episode 2 a characters pet dog uses the bathroom on the floor resulting in him kinda kicking near it in anger but the dog is fine it just makes a little whine and runs away.
The main character and a side character "stalk" the people who tortured her to get info on her.
In ep 6 the mc is perused by people working for a cop in a car chase, they confront each other but nothing serious happens.
The mc recruits the help of a woman who is horribly abused by her husband. There is an intense scene of it early on in the show after the lady confronts her while investigating the garbage bins.
in episode 1 Dong-Eun is kissed non-consensually and one of her classmates is shown having an “affair” with a teacher.
in episode 8 Dong-Eun is forced to stand in the rain in a light-colored shirt
Episode 16, nothing graphic, but someone's eyedrops are replaced with something that's not supposed to go into your eyes. It's just acting, the character is crying in pain but there's no gory eye action.
i don't think it's intended to be a jumpscare but in one of the episodes (possibly episode 2) there is a loud pop sound from a confetti popper. it happens directly after the hospital scene.
there are a couple hospital scenes and then scenes where people are receiving iv medication outside of the hospital and usually for other purposes besides health reasons.
In episode 2 at about the 11:00 minute mark a character is seen in the hospital it lasts about a minute or so and u hear the beeps of the machines and can see the i.v.'s in their arms.
Also directly following this scene theres a loud pop sound of a confetti gun, just thought i'd add that.
To clarify the other comment while we don’t see her jump we do see her body hit the ground in multiple episodes. We do learn she was pushed however the imagines are still purposefully reminiscent of suicide
This occurs in several sequences, as the story is about someone plotting revenge for people who tortured her.
There are other events that frequently come up that reminder her of her past.
Around 37:20 when she's getting her car repaired, there is a scene where men are frying meat in the grill. For about a minute and a half there is shaky can and she is disoriented as she has a ptsd flashback.
Around 9:30, a woman sudden takes a picture of her friend and there is a bright, disorienting flash with a loud ringing.
Also during ep1 there is a flickering light in the hallway but it isn't as bad.
There are occasional ambience lights bu in Korea they are a soft green, and not as bad as traditional cop lights.
A mother tells her child that she should’ve aborted them. Another woman who was murdered was pregnant and her murder is covered up as a suicide because she “didn’t want to have the baby”