Daughter tries to point out to her father that he is forgetful and needs to go to a neurologist. It’s upsetting for him. He shows a couple behaviors that could be a sign of dementia
The police follow two main characters while driving. There is also a scene where the third main character peers into Milton's house. She does make herself known after a couple of seconds.
An elderly cat was killed in order to provide the final cat needed to fix the spaceship. The cat was very, very dear to his person, who had no one else, and the disrespect with which this relationship was treated was so awful that I left the theatre.
Also, the main character and a supporting character drive around collecting dead cats, putting them in garbage bags and delivering them to the alien.
The characters collect roadkill animals, all of which were already found dead. No animals are treated cruelly. However, a woman goes along with her friends' suggestion to euthanize her old and very disabled cat, which some viewers may find upsetting.
A poor dead cat who had been run over (the characters comment on the tire tread marks) is shown on the patio of the main character's house. The characters discuss how dead cats are needed to fix the spaceship, how to get more dead cats, and the main character calls his daughter, a vet, asking her what happens to the cats who die in her practice. "Are they incinerated? Do you just throw them in the dumpster out back?" So terribly disrespectful and upsetting.
The characters collect roadkill cats (it makes sense in context). Only one dead cat is shown up close, and it's cartoonishly flattened with visible tire tracks. A character's old, ailing pet cat is painlessly euthanized with her permission.
Unsuccessful. Man tries to beat up an elderly woman but she is saved by the alien. It is a brief scene and although somewhat upsetting, she is unharmed.