Arthur “Art” Prince finds escape from his otherwise unremarkable life by dominating the “Sting-Pong" scene at a local underground club. However, when a mysterious challenger suddenly appears, Art is forced to confront his self-destructive tendencies.
This movie contains 39 potentially triggering events.
The Chihuahua is in peril in several scenes, and then it is implied the dog is killed. You don't see it being grabbed by the creature but you hear it's cries from a vent. Ultimately it is revealed he survived in a mid credits scene.
A scene involving a parent punching a TV screen could be triggering. The other parent sensibly tells the children to go to another room to discuss what happened
Rabbits fed to Sting when he gets bigger (not shown but you see blood splatter)
Fish (neighbor is experimenting on fish and see one butchered on his table)
Parrot (death not shown but gorey aftermath is shown for several scenes afterwards)
Cat (death not shown, owner goes looking for it when it goes missing and is later found by Charlotte strung up in an air vent. Nasty, graphic, won’t get that image out of my head anytime soon)
Rabbits are fed to Sting when he starts getting bigger - you hear squeaking, see blood splatter through a cloudy glass tank and it’s implied other rabbits in cages (shown alive) will also be fed to Sting
If you like animals at all skip this one. Lots of dead roaches, dead rabbits, a cat and a parrot. The deaths themselves are all either off screen or very quick, but the bodies are shown afterwards quite mangled. Parrot and cat’s bodies are shown graphically strung up once Sting is through with them. You can avoid seeing the parrot’s body by looking away when the exterminator comes and comments on how gorey it looks. Harder to avoid the cat as it’s a jumpscare while Charlotte is in the vents
At 43 minutes a woman is bitten on the face by a spider in her apartment. She staggers into the bathroom and looks at the bite in a mirror, then v*s into the sink. Full visual and audio. It looks like blood but isn’t (she’s been drinking a red cocktail). The spider then crawls into her throat which may be triggering for some.
At 1 hour 3 minutes the spider attacks the mum and dad of the main character and paralyses them. They both then sp*t out (possibly v*) a green slime. A few minutes later in a laundry chute a webbed up old woman also has green slime come out of her mouth.